Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Benefits Of Telemedicine Programs For Financial Assistance...

Expanded government programs for financial assistance for telecommunication infrastructure, implementation costs and financial incentives for use will be helpful in encouraging the development of telemedicine programs. Financial burdens of telemedicine services to the clinicians and health organizations whether it be infrastructure costs (broadband / DSL / IT resources) or loss from decreased productivity, system maintained, quality issues or system outages can be a barrier to the potential long term cost saving and increase in quality of care. Funding and programs designed to help educate the population especially low income, elderly, and veterans who face additional challenges to receiving appropriate healthcare, about the benefits of telemedicine will likely increase the use of and demand for expanded help for telemedicine implementation. The government (Federal, state, local) should invest in programs designed to help people with additional hurtle such as disability, language, and literacy issues better understand and use basic telemedicine services. Organizational Barriers The use of Electronic Health Records (EHR) has increase from 20% in 2002 (Burt C, Sisk JE. Which physicians and practices are using electronic medical records? Health Aff (Millwood).2005;24(5):1334–43.) to 50% in 2011 (Hsiao CJ, Hing E, Socey TC, Cai B.Electronic health record systems and intent to apply for meaningful use incentives among office-based physician practices: United States,Show MoreRelated The World of Telecommunications Essay4687 Words   |  19 PagesThe World of Telecommunications We are in the midst of a global information revolution driven by the convergence and proliferation of information and communication technologies. 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