Monday, May 25, 2020
How Ocean Currents Create Trash Islands and Impact Wildlife
As our global population expands, so does the amount of trash we produce, and a large portion of that trash ends up in the worlds oceans. Due to oceanic currents, much of the trash is carried to areas where the currents meet, and these collections of trash have recently been referred to as marine trash islands. Contrary to common belief, most of these trash islands are almost invisible to the eye. There are a few patches around the world where trash accumulates into platforms of 15-300 feet large, often near certain coasts, but they are minuscule compared to the vast garbage patches located in the middle of oceans. These are predominantly composed of microscopic plastic particles and not easily spotted. In order to identify their actual size and density, a lot of research and testing needs to be done. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch The Great Pacific Garbage Patchâ€â€sometimes called the Eastern Garbage Patch or Eastern Pacific Trash Vortexâ€â€is an area with an intense concentration of marine trash located between Hawaii and California. The exact size of the patch is unknown, however, because it is constantly growing and moving. The patch developed in this area because of the North Pacific Subtropical Gyreâ€â€one of many oceanic gyres caused by a convergence of ocean currents and wind. As the currents meet, the earth’s Coriolis Effect (the deflection of moving objects caused by the Earth’s rotation) causes the water to slowly rotate, creating a funnel for anything in the water. Because this is a subtropical gyre in the northern hemisphere, it rotates clockwise. It’s also a high-pressure zone with hot equatorial air and comprises much of the area known as the horse latitudes (area with weak winds). Due to the tendency of items to collect in oceanic gyres, the existence of a garbage patch was predicted in 1988 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) after years of monitoring the amount of trash being dumped into the worlds oceans. The patch was not officially discovered until 1997, though, because of its remote location and harsh conditions for navigation. That year, Captain Charles Moore passed through the area after competing in a sailing race and discovered debris floating over the entire area he was crossing. Atlantic and Other Oceanic Trash Islands Though the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the most widely publicized of the so-called trash islands, the Atlantic Ocean has one as well in the Sargasso Sea. The Sargasso Sea is located in the North Atlantic Ocean between 70 and 40 degrees west longitude and 25 and 35 degrees north latitude. It is bounded by the Gulf Stream, the North Atlantic Current, the Canary Current, and the North Atlantic Equatorial current. Like the currents carrying trash into the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, these four currents carry a portion of the worlds trash to the middle of the Sargasso Sea where it becomes trapped. In addition to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and the Sargasso Sea, there are three other major tropical oceanic gyres in the worldâ€â€all with conditions similar to those found in these first two. Components of Trash Islands After studying the trash found in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, Moore learned that 90% of the trash found there was plastic. His research group, as well as NOAA, has studied the Sargasso Sea and other patches around the world and their studies in those locations have had the same findings. It is typically thought that 80% of the plastic in the ocean comes from land sources while 20% comes from ships at sea. A 2019 study contests that there is little evidence to support this assumption. Instead, it is more likely that most of the trash comes from merchant ships. The plastics in the patches consist of all sorts of plastic itemsâ€â€not only water bottles, cups, bottle caps, toothbrushes, or plastic bags, but also materials used on cargo ships and fishing fleetsâ€â€nets, buoys, ropes, crates, barrels, or fish netting (which alone constitute up to 50% of the entire ocean plastic). Microplastic It’s not just large plastic items that make up the trash islands, however. In his studies, Moore found that the majority of the plastic in the worlds oceans is made up of billions of pounds of microplasticâ€â€raw plastic pellets called nurdles. These pellets are a byproduct of plastics manufacturing and of photodegradationâ€â€process during which materials (in this case plastic) break apart into smaller pieces due to sunlight and air (but dont disappear). It is significant that most of the trash is plastic because plastic does not break down easilyâ€â€especially in water. When plastic is on land, it is more easily heated and breaks down faster. In the ocean, the plastic is cooled by the water and becomes coated with algae which shield it from sunlight. Because of these factors, the plastic in the world’s oceans will last well into the future. For example, the oldest plastic container found during the 2019 expedition turned out to be from 1971â€â€48 years old. What is also significant is the microscopic size of the majority of the plastic in the waters. Because of its invisibility to the naked eye, it is very complicated to measure the actual amount of plastic in the oceans, and it is even more difficult to find non-invasive ways of cleaning it up. This is why the most frequent strategies of caring for our oceans involve prevention. Another major issue with the ocean trash being mainly microscopic is the effect it has on wildlife and consequently on humans. Garbage Islands Impact on Wildlife and Humans The presence of the plastic in the garbage patches is having a significant impact on wildlife in a number of ways. Whales, seabirds, and other animals can easily be snared in the nylon nets and six-pack rings prevalent in the garbage patches. They are also in danger of choking on things like balloons, straws, and sandwich wrap. Additionally, fish, seabirds, jellyfish, and oceanic filter feeders easily mistake brightly colored plastic pellets for fish eggs and krill. Research has shown that over time, the plastic pellets can concentrate toxins which are passed on to sea animals when they eat them. This could poison them or cause genetic problems. Once the toxins are concentrated in the tissue of one animal, they can magnify across the food chain similar to the pesticide DDT and eventually reach humans as well. It is likely that shellfish and dried fish will be the first major carriers of microplastics (and the toxins associated with them) into humans. Finally, the floating trash can also aid in the spread of species to new habitats. Take, for instance, a type of barnacle. It can attach to a floating plastic bottle, grow, and move to an area where it is not naturally found. The arrival of the new barnacle could then possibly cause problems for the areas native species. The Future for the Trash Islands Research conducted by Moore, NOAA, and other agencies show that trash islands are continuing to grow. Attempts have been made to clean them up but there is simply too much material over too large of an area to make any significant impact. Ocean cleanup is similar to invasive surgery, as microplastic blends so easily with marine life. Even if thorough cleanup was possible, many species and their habitats would be deeply affected, and this is highly controversial. Therefore, some of the best ways to aid in the cleanup of these islands are to suppress their growth by changing our relationship with plastic. It means enacting stronger recycling and disposal policies, cleaning up the worlds beaches, and reducing the amount of trash going into the worlds oceans. Algalita, the organization founded by Captain Charles Moore, strives to make the change through vast educational programs all over the world. Their motto is: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle. In that order! Sources Ocean Garbage Patches, NOAA Ocean Pdocast. US Department of Commerce, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 22 Mar. 2018.â€Å"Plastic Pollution–Preventing an Incurable Disease.† Algalita, 1 Oct. 2018.â€Å"Plastic Waste Inputs from Land into the Ocean.† Jambeck Research Group.â€Å"2019 Return to ‘The Patch.’† Captain Charles Moore.Eriksen, Marcus, et al. â€Å"Plastic Pollution in the Worlds Oceans: More than 5 Trillion Plastic Pieces Weighing over 250,000 Tons Afloat at Sea.† PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science, 10 Dec. 2014.Ryan, Peter G, et al. â€Å"Rapid Increase in Asian Bottles in the South Atlantic Ocean Indicates Major Debris Inputs from Ships.† Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, National Academy of Sciences, 15 Oct. 2019.Karami, Ali, et al. â€Å"Microplastics in Eviscerated Flesh and Excised Organs of Dried Fish.† Scientific Reports , Nature Publishing Group UK, 14 July 2017.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
E-Recruitment Pros and Cons - 1349 Words
Recruitment is the process of searching for qualified job applicants. Recruitment involves personnel planning, sourcing candidates, screening and selecting the qualified person to fill the job. Recruitment can be carried out with variety of methods, namely; job fair, selection consultancy, head-hunters, temporary agencies, advertisements, employee networking (word of mouth), colleges, universities and careers service and union or professional referral. Other than those, recruitment can be done using the Internet. E-recruitment is also the process of recruitment, except that it utilizes electronic resources, more particularly, the Internet. Digital recruiting has however separated the recruitment process into the traditional recruitment†¦show more content†¦Then only they could have a strong brand name, and their brand name is somewhat that supports them to grab the applicants’ attention. Though e-recruitment has been proven to have strong positive prospects for recruiting personnel, there are still some shortcomings to it. The first point discussed by the authors is the discrimination issue towards the non-users and ethnic minorities. This issue is extended with the lack of Internet access available for these groups. Other than that, they may not have the skills needed to use online recruitment. I concur with this statement as people with computer illiteracy may not be able to use online recruitment. Besides, older applicants are usually not familiar with the usage of e-recruitment which results in them being left out and employers not being able to reach them. Hence, although digital recruiting may overcome the geographic obstruction, employers should also consider the demographic structure in the society. The second issue being voiced here is the difficulty to find professional applicants. It is described in this journal that executive job applicants still prefer personal contact. I believe I can relate this issue with them having privacy concerns. The Internet is a huge bank of information, they may feel uneasiness with a lot of their personal information travelling all over the virtual space. The next issue isShow MoreRelatedE- Recruitment Practice: Pros vs. Cons3850 Words  | 16 Pages583764 E- RECRU I TMENT PRACTICE: PROS V S . CONS OCTOBER 2006 - MARCH 2 0 0 7 V O L . 1 N O . 1 ABSTRACT The traditional method of recruitment has been revolutionized by the emergence of the Internet. In the past few years, the Internet has dramatically changed the face of HR recruitment and the ways organizations think about the recruiting function. In the coming years, digital recruiting and hiring are expected to continue their explosive growth. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Benefits Of Telemedicine Programs For Financial Assistance...
Expanded government programs for financial assistance for telecommunication infrastructure, implementation costs and financial incentives for use will be helpful in encouraging the development of telemedicine programs. Financial burdens of telemedicine services to the clinicians and health organizations whether it be infrastructure costs (broadband / DSL / IT resources) or loss from decreased productivity, system maintained, quality issues or system outages can be a barrier to the potential long term cost saving and increase in quality of care. Funding and programs designed to help educate the population especially low income, elderly, and veterans who face additional challenges to receiving appropriate healthcare, about the benefits of telemedicine will likely increase the use of and demand for expanded help for telemedicine implementation. The government (Federal, state, local) should invest in programs designed to help people with additional hurtle such as disability, language, and literacy issues better understand and use basic telemedicine services. Organizational Barriers The use of Electronic Health Records (EHR) has increase from 20% in 2002 (Burt C, Sisk JE. Which physicians and practices are using electronic medical records? Health Aff (Millwood).2005;24(5):1334–43.) to 50% in 2011 (Hsiao CJ, Hing E, Socey TC, Cai B.Electronic health record systems and intent to apply for meaningful use incentives among office-based physician practices: United States,Show MoreRelated The World of Telecommunications Essay4687 Words  | 19 PagesThe World of Telecommunications We are in the midst of a global information revolution driven by the convergence and proliferation of information and communication technologies. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Affects of Spatial Disorientation Sample Essay Example For Students
The Affects of Spatial Disorientation Sample Essay Each twenty-four hours 1000000s of people put their lives in the custodies of pilots. Whether they are civilians or military forces. these persons depend on the pilot to acquire them to their finish safely. What they frequently overlook is that there are assorted aeromedical factors that are indispensable characteristics in the lives of pilots. These aeromedical factors can come up at any given clip and can finally impact how a pilot carries out his daily duties. While there are many aeromedical factors that are indispensable characteristics in the lives of pilots. including but non limited to. hypoxia. hyperventilation. and desiccation. one of the most common aeromedical factors that pilots frequently experience is spacial freak out. In covering with this aeromedical factor. it is of import for a pilot to be able to acknowledge the symptoms of this factor and its causes. In add-on. it is critical that the pilots possess cognition on ways to avoid spacial freak out and disciplinary actions that can be used in the event that he experiences same. This will enable a pilot to go on to transport out his occupation duties in a safe and efficient mode and do the flight a more enjoyable one. Spatial orientation. â€Å"the misguided perceptual experience of one’s place and gesture relation to the earth†is a common aeromedical factor experienced by pilots. ( Retrieved January 9. 2010. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. aopa. org/asf/publications/sa17. pdf ) . Spatial freak out is caused when the ocular system. the vestibular system. and the somatosensory system. the three sensory systems which provide persons with the information to keep their equilibrium. provide conflicting information to the encephalon. This conflicting informationin bend. will supply pilots with an inaccurate mental image of his place in relation to what is really happening to the aircraft or what one refers to as semblances. The major semblances that have been identified as taking to spacial freak out include the graveyard spiral. the coriolis semblance. tilts. false skylines. spark dizziness. and blowouts. ( Retrieved January 9. 2010. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. aviatorthings. com/cfi-lesson-plans/aeromedical-factors. php # semblances ) . Spatial orientation has been deemed one of the most conducive factors to fatal aircraft accidents by the Aeronautical Information Manual. ( Retrieved January 9. 2010. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. aopa. org/asf/publications/sa17. pdf ) . With this. it is of import that pilots know that spacial orientation can be caused by any status that will strip them of ocular mentions that will enable them to keep orientation. such as clouds. haze. and darkness. In order to avoid sing spacial orientation. pilots should use a safety attack. such as the followers: ( 1 ) maintain ocular flight regulations ( VFRs ) by avoiding come ining instrument meteoric conditions ( IMC ) ; ( 2 ) fly within their capablenesss by set uping personal lower limits and defying any force per unit areas to travel beyond them ; and ( 3 ) acquire an instrument evaluation in order to forestall themselves from being misled by semblances. In the event that a pilot enters IMC conditions and begins to see symptoms relate d to spacial freak out. he should stay unagitated. Thereafter. he should swear his instruments and scan them prior to doing control inputs. remain watchful for height alterations. and if his aircraft is equipped with such a characteristic. he should utilize automatic pilot. ( Retrieved January 9. 2010. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. aopa. org/asf/publications/sa17. pdf ) . Further. in add-on to the above. in order to guarantee that pilots continue to keep cognition of spacial orientation. preparation demands in relation to spacial orientation can be enforced. The affects that spacial orientation can hold on a pilot and the importance of safety attack were displayed on July 16. 1999. when John F. Kennedy. Jr. . who was winging a Piper Saratoga. crashed into the Atlantic Ocean. killing himself. his married woman. and sister-in-law. The aircraft departed from Essex County Airport in Essex County. New Jersey. and was destined for Barnstable Municipal-Boardman/Polando Field ( HYA ) . Hyannis. Massachusetts. with a scheduled halt at Martha’s Vineyard Airport ( MVY ) . Vineyard Haven. Massachusetts. An official statement released by the National Transportation Safety Board stated that the accident was determined to happen at dark and that other pilots who were winging the locality at the clip of the accident reported that there was no seeable skyline over the H2O because of haze. John F. Kennedy. Jr. . who was a non-instrument rated pilot. was determined to hold failed to keep control of the aircraft during a descent over the H2O. due to spacial orientation. ( Retrieved on January 9. 2010. hypertext transfer protocol: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/John_F. _Kennedy. _Jr. _airplane_crash ) . .uc79272feb1276060cd69b10dbe5f007a , .uc79272feb1276060cd69b10dbe5f007a .postImageUrl , .uc79272feb1276060cd69b10dbe5f007a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc79272feb1276060cd69b10dbe5f007a , .uc79272feb1276060cd69b10dbe5f007a:hover , .uc79272feb1276060cd69b10dbe5f007a:visited , .uc79272feb1276060cd69b10dbe5f007a:active { border:0!important; } .uc79272feb1276060cd69b10dbe5f007a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc79272feb1276060cd69b10dbe5f007a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc79272feb1276060cd69b10dbe5f007a:active , .uc79272feb1276060cd69b10dbe5f007a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc79272feb1276060cd69b10dbe5f007a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc79272feb1276060cd69b10dbe5f007a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc79272feb1276060cd69b10dbe5f007a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc79272feb1276060cd69b10dbe5f007a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc79272feb1276060cd69b10dbe5f007a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc79272feb1276060cd69b10dbe5f007a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc79272feb1276060cd69b10dbe5f007a .uc79272feb1276060cd69b10dbe5f007a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc79272feb1276060cd69b10dbe5f007a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Alfred Tennyson was born on August 6th, 1809, at S EssayIn analysing the above calamity. one can presume that John F. Kennedy. Jr. did non use an effectual safety attack for that flight. Although the flight was ab initio scheduled to happen during the twenty-four hours. since Kennedy’s sister-in-law was delayed at work. it was postponed and did non really go until dark due to heavy traffic. In add-on. as celebrated earlier. John F. Kennedy. Jr. was a non-instrument rated pilot. and an probe revealed that he neer received a conditions briefing or filed a flight program with any Flight Service Station. In relation to dark winging and spacial orientation. the FAA Airpl ane Flying Handbook. FAA-H-8083-3. chapter 10. provinces â€Å"Night winging requires that pilots be cognizant of. and run within. their abilities and limitations†¦ During hapless visibleness conditions over H2O. the skyline will go vague. and may ensue in a loss of orientation. Even on clear darks. the stars may be reflected on the H2O surface. which could look as a uninterrupted array of visible radiations. therefore doing the skyline hard to place. †( Retrieved January 10. 2010. hypertext transfer protocol: //ntsb. gov/ntsb/brief2. asp? ev_id=20001212X19354 A ; ntsbno=NYC99MA178 A ; akey=1. Kennedy. cognizing that the flight was delayed excessively long to go during light hours. cognizing that he did non possess an instrument evaluation. and cognizing that he had small experience winging at dark and neer received a conditions brief. should hold postponed the flight to. at the earliest. the undermentioned twenty-four hours. In the event that he would hold done so. h e and his two riders may hold still been alive today. Overall. spacial orientation has been deemed a lending aeromedical factor in assorted aeroplane clangs. As exhibited in the existent life illustration set away above. it is of import that pilots be able to acknowledge the symptoms of this factor and its causes. In add-on. it is critical that pilots apply a safety attack in relation to spacial orientation and have knowledge of disciplinary actions that can be used in the event that he experiences same. In making so. pilots in actuality. may avoid state of affairss which may ensue in his life and the lives of his riders being lost. Mentions:Certified Flight Instructor. ( 2009 ) . Aeromedical Factors. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. aviatorthings. com/cfi-lesson-plans/aeromedical-actors. php # semblances National Transportation Safety Board. ( December 12. 2000 ) . Accident Report NYC99MA178. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //ntsb. gov/ntsb/brief2. asp? ev_id=20001212X19354 A ; ntsbno=NYC99MA178 A ; akey=1 Wikimedia Foundation Inc. ( Modified January 3. 2010 ) . â€Å"John F. Kennedy. Jr.Airplane Crash. †Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/John_F. _Kennedy. _Jr. _airplane_crash Wynbrandt. James ( 2004 ) . Spatial Disorientation: Confusion That Kills. Retrieved fromhypertext transfer protocol: //www. aopa. org/asf/publications/sa17. pdf.
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