Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Employment and Best Performance Appraisal Essay Example
Employment and Best Performance Appraisal Essay Example Employment and Best Performance Appraisal Essay Employment and Best Performance Appraisal Essay What is the best performance appraisal method for the Netflix team to keep the best employees? I think the best performance appraisal method for Netflix would be the critical-incident technique. The critical- incident technique keeps a record from the beginning of employment of the effective and ineffective job behaviors. The manager would sit with the employee and discuss what their performance is specifically. It would take any positive examples of their work and the negative examples. It seems that Netflix already has a good orientation program at hand. They make sure that they hire the best people for the positions that they have to offer. With the critical-incident appraisal method it takes into account your very good aspects and the very bad. I think that when the very bad is pointed out to the employee they would make an effort to make sure that they do not make that mistake again. I would believe that the running log that comes from the critical-appraisal method is kept by the manager and the employee. If the employee has it on hand at their desk they can refer to it to make sure that they are performing in an acceptable way. Hastings makes everyone responsible for their own choices that they make at the job. So by giving them an upfront account of what they are doing goo and what they are doing poorly should give them no excuse to improve. 2. What are the limitations and risks of Hastings’ human resource management practices? Hastings practices a human resource management practice that seems to be somewhat carefree in a way. I believe that his human resource team does practice the three major responsibilities that they have which are attracting a quality workforce, developing a quality workforce and maintain a quality workforce. I think that is evident from the great staff that Hastings claims they already have. They make sure to recruit qualified job seekers who have the skill set that Netflix requires. Hastings has a human resource team unlike anything that I have experienced. They offer creative hiring model by paying higher than average pay salaries, recruiting three other friends that they would love to work with, giving much work freedom and allowing the employee to choose how much of their pay they want in cash and going to stock. These incentives are extremely attractive to a person seeking a new job. However, this could harm them as well. Once a person hears what Netflix has to offer upon employment, the future employee could present them self in a way that really is not who they are. They would probably be deceitful by exaggerating about their skills and what they can bring to the company.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Farming and Agriculture Vocabulary for ESL Students
Farming and Agriculture Vocabulary for ESL Students Here is a list of farming and agriculture vocabulary for the industry. Its not a complete list of all the words youll need to work in this industry, but its a good place to start. The part of speech is listed for each word. Each word is followed by an example sentence to provide context. Do you know the word? If not, use a dictionary to look the word up. Next, follow the tips to practice the new vocabulary. Ability - (noun) Our ability to produce hay has tripled over the past three years.Academic - (adjective) Its important to have an academic background when breeding crops.Activities - (noun) Our fall activities include a hayride and corn maze.Affect - (verb) The past winters rains will affect the harvest.Agricultural - (adjective) The agricultural landscape has changed greatly over the past fifty years.Agriculture - (noun) Agriculture used to play a much larger role in the economy.American - (adjective) American farmers produce wheat which is sold abroad.Animal - (noun) Its important not to feed these animals any corn.Aquaculture - (noun) Aquaculture is an expanding business opportunity.Aspect - (noun) One aspect of our business focuses on grain production.Background - (noun) Our family has an excellent background in agriculture.Bails - (noun) Pick up those bails of hay and take them to the barn.Bitten - (adjective) If youve been bitten by a snake, see the doctor!Breed - (noun) We breed horses on our ranch. Breeding  - (noun) Breeding dogs is a popular business in the countryside.Business  - (noun) Our business focuses on hemp import.Care - (noun) We should provide better care for our livestock.Cattle - (noun) The cattle are in the south field.Certification - (noun) We need to apply for certification once every three years.Chemicals - (noun plural) We promise not to use chemicals in our fertilizer.Clean - (adjective) Youll find the barn is clean and ready for the livestock.Climate - (noun) The climate is changing rapidly and we need to respond.Cold - (adjective) Last year we lost a few crops to the cold.Common - (adjective) Its a common method to fight insect infestation. Communication - (noun) The communication between farmer and market is essential.Computer - (noun) Use that computer to do the bookkeeping.Conditions  - (noun) Well harvest next week if weather conditions are good.Constantly - (adv erb) We strive to constantly improve our products.Continue  - (verb) Lets continue watering this field until five. Contract  - (noun) We signed a contract to deliver 200 head of cattle.Contrast - (noun/verb) We contrast our products to others by organically farming.Cooperative - (noun) The farmers cooperative sells vegetables at very reasonable prices.Corporation - (noun) Unfortunately, corporations are replacing family farms.Cow - (noun) The cow was ill and was slaughtered.Credit - (noun) Its risky business taking out credit to seed a new field.Crop - (noun) This years corn crop was outstanding.Customer  - (noun) The customer is always king.Dairy - (adjective) Our dairy products are sold throughout Washington.Decade- (noun) Weve been in the business for more than a decade.Decline - (noun/verb) Unfortunately, weve seen a decline in sales recently.Deliver - (verb) We deliver sod to your home.Demands - (noun) The demands of farming gets me up early every morning.Disease - (noun) Make sure that there is no disease in that crop.Drivers - (adjective) Get a drivers license and we can put you to work. Duties - (noun) Your duties include gathering eggs every morning.Egg - (noun) We gather more than 1,000 eggs each day.Environment - (noun) The environment is fragile. Equipment - (noun) The equipment is located in the barn.Exposure- (noun) The eastern field has more exposure to the sun.Facilities - (noun) Our facilities include three hundred acres of pasture land.Farm - (noun) The farm is located in Vermont.Farmer - (noun) The farmer purchased seed for his livestock.Feed - (noun) Take the feed out to the barn.Fertilizer - (noun) We use the best fertilizer possible on our crops.Fiber - (noun) You need more fiber in your diet.Fish - (noun) Fish can be farmed for profit.Flower - (noun) We grow and sell flowers from all over the world.Fruit - (noun) The fruit is ripe.Grazing - (noun) Our horses are out grazing.Greenhouse - (noun) We grow tomatoes in the greenhouse.Grown - (adjective) We sell grown shrubs.Handle - (noun/verb) Grab that handle and lets lift this up onto the truck.Harvest - (noun/verb) Last years harvest was excellent. Hay - (noun) Load the hay into the back of the truck.Hazardous - (adjective) Be careful of the hazardous chemicals in some fertilizers.Health - (noun) Take care of your health.Horse - (noun) The horse needs to be shoed. Horticulture - (noun) Horticulture should be taught in our local high school.Indoors - (noun) We grow the plants indoors in a controlled setting.Knowledge - (noun) He has a lot of knowledge about local plants.Laborer  - (noun) We need to hire some laborers to help with the harvest.Land - (noun) You should invest in some new land for grazing.Landowner  - (noun) The landowner rented out the land to a local business.Landscaping - (noun) Landscaping involves taking care of gardens and lawns.Leading - (adjective) The leading agricultural experts say to play in June.Lease - (noun) Our lease on this land is up at the end of January.License - (noun) Do you have a cultivation license?L ivestock - (noun) The livestock are grazing in the fields.Location - (noun) Were looking for a new location for our farm. Machinery - (noun) Machinery costs keep rising.Machine  - (noun) That machine needs to be repaired.Maintain - (verb) We maintain our own machinery.Maintenance - (noun) The maintenance is scheduled for next week.Meat - (noun) We have the freshest meat in the state.Method  - (noun) We use traditional methods for our produce.Nursery - (noun) The nursery grows bushy plants and fruit trees.Nut  - (noun) The hazelnut is common in Oregon.Offer - (noun/verb) Wed like to offer you a discount on our products.Operate - (verb) We operate in Lincoln County.Organic - (adjective) All of our food is organic.Oversee - (verb) Peter oversees our wheat sales.Pack - (noun/verb) Lets pack up these tools and go home.Pen  - (noun) Use that pen to sign here.Pesticide  - (noun) Pesticides are very dangerous and should be used with caution.Physical - (adjective) Farming is a very physical activity.Pla nt - (noun) That plant is new to our farm.Poultry - (noun) Chickens and turkeys are also known as poultry.Process - (noun) The curing process takes three weeks. Produce - (noun/verb) Our produce is sold throughout the state.Raise - (verb) We raise chicken and rabbits on our farm.Ranch - (noun/verb) The ranch is located in California.Rancher - (noun) The rancher spent the day herding the cattle.Reflecting - (adjective) This reflecting tape marks the spot.Regulation  - (noun) There are many regulations that we need to follow.Repair - (noun/verb) Do you think you can repair the tractor?Responsibilities - (noun) My responsibilities include caring for livestock.Risk - (noun/verb) Bad weather is one of the greatest risks in farming.Rural - (adjective) Our rural location is ideal for farming activities.Safety - (noun) Safety is our first priority.Scale - (noun) Use that scale to weigh the fruit. Schedule - (noun/verb) Our schedule includes three trips to the farm.Season - (noun) Its not harvest season yet.Seasonal - (adjective) We sell seasonal fruit at the fruit stand.Seed - (noun) Plant the seed here.Sheep - (noun) Those black sheep have excellent wool. Shrub  - (noun) Those shrubs need to be trimmed.Supervise - (verb) Could you supervise the harvest this year?Training- (noun) We should provide safety training for all of our employees.Tree  - (noun) I planted that tree twenty years ago.Vegetable  - (noun) We grow vegetables and fruit on our farm. Improving Your Vocabulary Tips Use each word in a sentence. First, practice speaking. Next, write the sentences. Using the word when both speaking and writing will help you remember new words. After writing a few words in sentences try to write a paragraph using the same words. Learn synonyms and antonyms by using an online thesaurus to further extend your farming and agriculture vocabulary. Use a visual dictionary which will help you learn the names of specific equipment used in the industry. Listen to co-workers and note how they use these words. Check your understanding when they use words in different ways. Ask co-workers questions about how new words are used at work.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Write a memo and a unsolicited recommendation letter based on guidline Article
Write a memo and a unsolicited recommendation letter based on guidline - Article Example However, with all of this in mind, it has recently been noted that healthcare premiums have continued to rise; and eventuality that places an undue level of stress on the business and upon the employees. However, rather than merely raising the premiums across the board for all individuals in the company, it has been determined that a far more equitable and fair approach would be to raise healthcare premiums by 15% for those individuals smoke stop the underlying reason for this is not to target a specific group of people; instead, it is meant as a way of fairly representing the healthcare costs that the insurer, and by extension this company, is forced to pay. Further understanding with regards to the impacts of smoke and secondhand smoke reveals the fact that those individuals who are smokers are invariably more likely to develop a litany of different health issues. As a direct result of this, increasing the premiums for smokers is a way in which the insurance companies, and by extension this company, can continue to provide a high quality of care and a high level of reimbursement for health-related expenses for all employees. However, rather than merely punishing smokers, it is the goal of this company to reduce the overall number of individuals that smoke; maximizing the health of those individuals that work for our firm, public health, and minimizing the level of insurance premiums that are required to be paid annually. Because of this and due to the fact that it is our commitment to promote the health and well-being of each individual that is employed, we have partnered with several smoking cessation programs and will facilitate employees to sign up for these if they wish to avoid the increase in premiums that will be affected in the near future. The underlying rationale for this has to do with the fact that it is our hope that more and more people within the company will come to an understanding of the fact that smoking is
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